Tommy LeeSoftware development for everyone else

A New Start

With the second year of the Horse approaching, I have decided to do a blog for a New Years resolution. We have a lot of plans in store for this year.

New Blog

I haven't blogged in a long time, maybe since the days of xanga or myspace, but I found that it was appropriate to spread the same information around over and over again. Maybe they could be tutorials, math or physicsy related information, or cool projects i'm working on. Whatever works. While I'm used to a CMS platform like Wordpress or Drupal, some nice folks at /r/webdev recommended a static blog generator for a change of pace. currently checking out Jekyll, which keeps me focused on the content first.


I graduated a month ago (yay), waiting for a fancy piece of paper to arrive. This year I hope to have the following projects wrapped up:


We're going to focus on a few fundamentals this year. To round out my experiences and hone it in, we're going to learn a few new things. Mostly some UX and Javascript. Big topics include:

  • SASS, LESS and CSS related things.
  • Javascript, checking out React.js
  • Focus on some mobile related development.

Server Related

While apache servers are standard, I've been looking into new server technologies. Specifically interested in the nginx and varnish cache servers. May write up some posts about setting those up.

Self Gratification

Thank you for stopping by and reading my first post. I hope future posts will be more beneficial.