Tommy Lee 541-7718

Software engineer with over 8 years of experience with backend web development. Experienced with developing the full stack web applications on Linux environments.

PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Bash, Ruby, CSS, Node.js, HTML, T-SQL, Git
Ruby on Rails, ELK Stack, Rspec, React.js,, Laravel
Amazon AWS, New Relic, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Capistrano, Nagios
Mobile Development
iOS, Swift, Objective C

Work Experience

Entertainment Benefits Group

Tech Lead2019-12-15 - Present
Leading a team of 7 developers in a Kanban environment. Promoted from Web Application Developer
  • Developed Google Maps address search replacement to cut costs to Google by 40%

Entertainment Benefits Group

Web Application Developer2017-12-15 - 2019-12-15
  • Developed web applications and features in eCommerce, primarily using PHP and Javascript
  • Built tools and automated processes to help transition team from svn to git. Started converting Virtual Machine based environments to Docker containers.
  • Pushed for changes and processes that improve quality of code.

Fresh Lines

Software Engineer2014-11-02 - 2017-12-01
Built web and mobile applications in a small (2-4) consultancy. Worked with multiple clients with frequently changing priorities.
  • Mentored junior developers, and guided through onboard process. Performed code reviews
  • Main engineer for Ruby on Rails codebase of a Child Care services client. Utilized Developed reports in T-SQL and Business Objects, and created integrations to connect SQL Server client data warehouse with intranet tools.
  • Developed migration strategies for legacy PHP 5 projects to be compatible with PHP 7
  • Finished a fishing line calculator app built in Objective C.
  • Migrated Ruby on Rails projects from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2
  • Built a copyright and brand search tool using Angular 1.5. Consumed third party APIs and built an aggregate search engine.

RGI Marketing Group, Inc.

Web Developer / IT2012-09-10 - 2014-11-01
Built Web applications with PHP MVC Frameworks like CodeIgniter and FuelPHP. Built mobile applications using PhoneGap. Created and modified sites built on Wordpress.
  • Integrated time-tracking software with in-house project management system. Saved 2 hours of time-tracking each pay period.
  • Migrated dedicated server infrastructure to a virtualized KVM environments on Centos and Debian servers.


Orlando Cook and Code

Co-Organizer2017-10-04 - Present
Started a recreational weekend meetup focused on Cooking together and Coding side projects.

    Open Code Orlando

    2017-02-04 - Present
    At a Careers Workshop: Helped developers improve their portfolio through one-on-one critiques.

      Code for Orlando

      2016-06-01 - 2016-09-01
      Contributed to the One Person, One Tree iOS app.

        SPS at UCF

        NetAdmin2012-12-01 - 2013-12-01
        Rebuilt website and setup forms and pages for Regional Event held at UCF. Occasional content management.
        • Nominated for SPS Award for Outstanding Student


        University of Central Florida

        2010-09-01 - 2013-12-31
        Bachelor - Computational Physics