Software engineer with over 8 years of experience with backend web development. Experienced with developing the full stack web applications on Linux environments.
Ruby on Rails, ELK Stack, Rspec, React.js,, Laravel
Amazon AWS, New Relic, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Capistrano, Nagios
Mobile Development
iOS, Swift, Objective C
Work Experience
Entertainment Benefits Group
Tech Lead2019-12-15 - Present
Leading a team of 7 developers in a Kanban environment. Promoted from Web Application Developer
Developed Google Maps address search replacement to cut costs to Google by 40%
Entertainment Benefits Group
Web Application Developer2017-12-15 - 2019-12-15
Developed web applications and features in eCommerce, primarily using PHP and Javascript
Built tools and automated processes to help transition team from svn to git. Started converting Virtual Machine based environments to Docker containers.
Pushed for changes and processes that improve quality of code.
Fresh Lines
Software Engineer2014-11-02 - 2017-12-01
Built web and mobile applications in a small (2-4) consultancy. Worked with multiple clients with frequently changing priorities.
Mentored junior developers, and guided through onboard process. Performed code reviews
Main engineer for Ruby on Rails codebase of a Child Care services client. Utilized Developed reports in T-SQL and Business Objects, and created integrations to connect SQL Server client data warehouse with intranet tools.
Developed migration strategies for legacy PHP 5 projects to be compatible with PHP 7
Finished a fishing line calculator app built in Objective C.
Migrated Ruby on Rails projects from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2
Built a copyright and brand search tool using Angular 1.5. Consumed third party APIs and built an aggregate search engine.
RGI Marketing Group, Inc.
Web Developer / IT2012-09-10 - 2014-11-01
Built Web applications with PHP MVC Frameworks like CodeIgniter and FuelPHP. Built mobile applications using PhoneGap. Created and modified sites built on Wordpress.
Integrated time-tracking software with in-house project management system. Saved 2 hours of time-tracking each pay period.
Migrated dedicated server infrastructure to a virtualized KVM environments on Centos and Debian servers.
Orlando Cook and Code
Co-Organizer2017-10-04 - Present
Started a recreational weekend meetup focused on Cooking together and Coding side projects.
Open Code Orlando
2017-02-04 - Present
At a Careers Workshop: Helped developers improve their portfolio through one-on-one critiques.
Code for Orlando
2016-06-01 - 2016-09-01
Contributed to the One Person, One Tree iOS app.
NetAdmin2012-12-01 - 2013-12-01
Rebuilt website and setup forms and pages for Regional Event held at UCF. Occasional content management.